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idobe PS系列0617.PAT图案_10款草坪草地无缝贴图photoshop素材

  • idobe PS系列0617.PAT图案_10款草坪草地无缝贴图photoshop素材
  • 价    格:12
  • 商品库存: 26 件
  • 品牌:
  • 货号:c8bce89bd8e
  • 立刻联系购买联系商家口袋star


一店地址:sdmac.taobao.com 平面素材体验1店

二店地址:psdmac.taobao.com 平面素材体验2店

三店地址:idobe.taobao.com 影视素材体验1店

官方网站:盘丝洞素材网——www.psdmac.com   (百万高端设计素材不断更新中)



◆【模板名称】:idobe PS系列0617.PAT图案_10款草坪草地无缝贴图photoshop素材

◆【使用环境】:PHOTOSHOP CS2 / CS3 / CS4 / CS5 / CS5.5 / CS6 / CC






                            2. 需要有软件基础,不会使用软件的勿拍,客服,本店提供模板带修改增值





 All 10 textures in this file have been designed at the massive resolution of 1500×1500px so that you can scale them all the way from close up detail of the grass out to a fine repeating pattern.

The download itself contains;

  • 1 .PAT file including 10 color and 10 black and white patterns
  • 10 full color jpg files
  • 10 black and white jpg files
  • A detailed help file for using the .PAT file in Photoshop

The patterns can be used when designing;

  • Web pages
  • Twitter pages
  • Posters
  • Banners
  • Business Cards
  • Backgrounds
  • Artwork
  • Anything you can imagine!

The patterns are all unique and will therefore create that same sense of uniqueness in your work. This is especially true given the very high resolution.

Using tilable patterns (aka seamless) is important when you want to have the image repeat itself horizontally and/or vertically. An example of this would be on a web page background, where the browser window may be resized or scrolled and you want the background to continue without any ‘seams’ or edges.

Keywords: nature, natural, organic, alternative, conceptual, realistic, peace, harmony, living, life, green, balance, ecology, love, loving, nurturing, blade, blades, dirt, ground, soft, leaves, weeds, lawn, turf, golf, yard, tileable, seamless, fills

Thank you for taking the time to look at my textures!

  • If you purchase this item, please add a quick comment and rating. Doing this helps me make decisions on how to add value to the Graphic River community.


