- Hardcover: 96 pages
- Publisher: Taschen (September 1, 2015)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: (咨询特价)
- ISBN-13: 978-(咨询特价)
- Product Dimensions: 10.3 x 8.5 x 0.5 inches
- Shipping Weight: 1.3 pounds
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荷兰怪诞诡异画家Hieronymus Bosch博斯艺术绘画画册
荷兰怪诞诡异画家Hieronymus Bosch博斯艺术绘画画册
希罗尼穆斯·博斯,荷兰画家。他富有想象力的画作充满了荒唐的形式和怪异的象征主义。在被忽视了几个世纪后,他的原创性、讽刺的运用、及技法在今日已得到推崇。 博斯早期的艺术,具有稚拙和含蓄的个性;中期的创作,充分发挥了艺术的表现力和丰富的想象力:他特别善于运用 幻想以此区别于重形象真实性的画家,他巧妙而滑稽地将写实与浪漫的表现方式结合起来,创造了既富于幻想又有真实感的 形象,用幻想的形象来赞颂生活美好的人和事,揭露、讽刺生活中丑恶的现象,成了他独特的艺术语言。他所创造的艺术形 象继承了尼德兰民间艺术中幽默和风趣的成份,同时还吸收了意大利、德国艺术中的精华。 博斯晚期的作品无论使图和造型,还是色彩和笔触都具有新的创见和高深的造诣。博斯在美术史上历来被认为是个不可思议的画家,他那充满着奇思怪想的画面像迷一样难解,其实他所创造的艺术形象并非凭空臆造,而是为了表现自己强烈 的反封建思想。他从传统的哥特式雕塑中、中世纪动物故事插图、色彩抄本和中世纪的宝石古钱币中吸收有意思的形象,同时还借用占星术来间接表达自己的思想。他的艺术创造和影响是超越时空的,他被誉为“现代绘画的始祖。” |
Between heaven and hell: Hieronymus Bosch’s meticulous visions of the grotesque, debauched, and divine
As cryptic as they are compelling, the masterpieces of Hieronymus Bosch (1450–1516) remain some of the most enduring enigmas of the art world. Their intricate, allegorical, and often startling content has captivated not only art historians, but also fashion designers, rock stars, writers, and punk rockers, as well as countless modern and contemporary artist successors.
Although rooted in the Old Netherlandish tradition, Bosch developed a highly subjective, richly suggestive style to render both the celestial bliss of heaven and the grotesque tortures of hell, most famously and meticulously excecuted inThe Garden of Earthly Delights. Here, as in his other known works, his artistic language combined religious humility with a razor-sharp wit, often playing off pictorial versions of contemporary proverbs or figures of speech.
This book ties together the elusive threads of Bosch’s oeuvre to provide a concise introduction to an at once haunting and enthralling pictorial world.
Although rooted in the Old Netherlandish tradition, Bosch developed a highly subjective, richly suggestive style to render both the celestial bliss of heaven and the grotesque tortures of hell, most famously and meticulously excecuted inThe Garden of Earthly Delights. Here, as in his other known works, his artistic language combined religious humility with a razor-sharp wit, often playing off pictorial versions of contemporary proverbs or figures of speech.
This book ties together the elusive threads of Bosch’s oeuvre to provide a concise introduction to an at once haunting and enthralling pictorial world.
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